
Substance Use Disorder

Identify and manage the symptoms of your addiction, and provide sustaining support.

Our Outpatient Substance Use Disorder program assists individuals struggling with alcohol and other substances by offering evidence-based treatment designed for healing.

We believe self-management is the key to lasting wellness. Our mission is to help those seeking to address their substance use issues to identify and manage the symptoms of their addiction, and get the sustaining support they need to get on the road toward lifelong recovery.

What to Expect

During your treatment you will develop skills to overcome your addiction and learn to take advantage of various community supports. Bridgeway’s skilled and certified team will provide an initial assessment, followed by a plan of care created by you and your counselor. Depending on your personal needs and progress, you will meet one to five times per week. Program therapies include individual, group, and family counseling. The length of your treatment really depends on your goals for your own wellness. Many individuals experience significant success after three to four months of targeted services.

A Friend in Your Corner

Along with our certified counseling and medical staff, individuals will receive personal support from mentors, who themselves are experiencing a life free from addiction.

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