
Adolescent Services

Our adolescent & teen therapy programs are individualized and encourage mental, social, and physical well-being.

We’re here to help adolescent teens address substance use disorder challenges and mental health concerns – because everyone deserves a good start.

It’s often easier to see errors in one’s judgment than to envision potential. We recognize that addressing problems is only part of our job of helping adolescent teens become all they’re capable of being.

As Unique as They Are

At Bridgeway we understand that every teen is unique and must learn skills their own way, at their own pace. For this reason, our adolescent therapy programs are individualized and encourage mental, social, and physical well-being. Our skilled and certified counselors will use a variety of services to co-develop a plan of care. These services include relationship-based counseling, multimedia and activity-based group interaction, life skills development, and social engagement.

Family Focused, Community Supported

We believe that establishing better relationships with adolescents and the adults who support them is essential to a teen’s recovery. With this in mind, our family counseling and multi-family group sessions help engage all family members in a safe, supportive environment.

The youth program includes year-round events to build relationships and engagement with clients. Access to a video and music creation studio offers teens prosocial activities that incorporate narrative therapy through lyric-writing and music creation. This is one of the many aspects of our adolescent services that makes treatment for teens at Bridgeway unique.

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